21 Day Practicing Obedience Challenge

21 Day Practicing Obedience Challenge

Over here on the Lord’s Side, we are participating in the Do What God Said/Says: 21 Day Practicing Obedience Challenge. 

In October 2023, God said to me—— Just Do What I Said! He said those words so strongly I knew it was serious. I quickly repented and then asked God, exactly what He wanted me to do. He told me to begin a 3 day (7 cycle) practicing obedience journey. I started the journey! Then God told me to start over fresh again on Nov. 1st, but this time He said— “They will need a workbook”. “They” means you and everyone else who God will call to go on this journey with me.

Well, I obeyed. The workbook is done and available for you under FREE @thelordside.com. You can access this free self-paced challenge @ The Lord’s Side Institute

Here are the directions for the challenge:

1. Make a decision to obey God (God the Father, God the Son, God the Holy Spirit)

2. Ask God how He wants you to fast or what he wants you to abstain from over the next 21 days. He may tell you to not eat from 8-12pm. Or He may say to not watch tv. What ever He says-- Obey!

3. Ask God what He wants you to obey today- then Obey. You will do steps 1-3 for 3 days, repenting when and where needed.

4. On the 4th day do a self-assessment (remembering to repent when and where needed)—see how you did practicing obedience.

5. As soon as the self-assessment is over, start right back up with steps 1-3.

Day 1's Intro Video is available on YouTube @ thelordside3. 


In the video, God reminded us that being willing and obedient is a choice that comes with consequences. Those who are willing and obedient get to eat the good of the land— they are blessed. Those who rebel and disobey not only do not receive the blessing, they receive a curse. Don’t believe me!

God has made it very clear.

If you are willing and obedient, You shall eat the good of the land; But if you refuse and rebel, You shall be devoured by the sword”; For the mouth of the Lord has spoken (Isaiah 1: 19-20).

God has also said that He has called the heavens and the earth as a witness and has set before us life and death, blessings and curses and He wants us to choose life (obedience) and live (Deuteronomy 30:19). 

Long story short, obedience is a choice and so is disobedience, and I am choosing to obey and share this Practicing Obedience journey with all those who have an ear to hear what the Spirit of the Lord is saying!

God has given His Church so many gifts. Repentance, deliverance, and the opportunity to obey Him are all gifts that God has given His Church. Repentance and deliverance are important gifts, but obedience may be the most valuable gift because it comes with a blessing attached to it. In fact, one could even make the case that in some instances repentance and deliverance are precursors to obedience. 

May you clearly hear what God is saying in this season and when you hear His voice——- I pray that your heart is mendable and movable and obedience follows (Hebrews 3:15).


*God the Father, God the Son, God the Holy Spirit, God of Abraham, Issac, and Jacob


IG- @Lordside3 

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I’m all in!!! Thank you for your obedience.


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